Friday, September 9, 2011

The Beginning

It had been almost a month. It was always raining………always gloomy. A month had passed and the best I had done was riding out a few miles. I was itching for it…..praying to the gods to give me signs, signs that the elements would give me a break for just one day. One day is all I wanted but then again, waiting for it seemed futile. I looked at my laptop screen which was logged in to my bank account and decided. I decided that there was no way out but to buy “the bag”. “The bag” which would hold my valuable possessions safe, secure and most importantly dry. It was one more object in the long list of others I had procured over the last month, all aligned towards one goal…….like I said, I was itching for it.
It was a Saturday. I woke up to the usual sound of raindrops crashing on concrete and glass. The earth outside was a mix of mud, sand and broken asphalt. I turned towards a corner and looked straight at an assortment of objects. I felt a butterfly in my stomach……one of those feelings you get right before an important exam……no, it was more like the feeling you get right before asking somebody out on a date. As I entered the hall of my insanely large residence, it was waiting. Looking like a Royal Bengal Tiger ready to pounce on its prey……….urging me to unleash it so it could devour and gorge on what had become of the earth. I felt I was ready too and started strapping on an array of objects that would see me through the day. In about half an hour, I was ready to head out into the concrete jungle, in the midst of growling and rumbling metal monsters with my tiger… doubt a mechanical monster like the rest but one with a heart, and a clean green heart at that. I guided my beast into a creaky old box that passes off as an elevator right outside my door and soon, we were outside the building. Outside the walls which offer us a sense of security, safety and privacy but more importantly……..outside the walls that confine us from within, not letting us become .………..because after all, life is more about “making” yourself than discovering who you are.
With the rain still pouring down, I climbed onto the beast’s back and rode out. Out far into the wilderness…….farther than I had ever been and at the end of a long and tiring day……..came back a stronger, better and more enlightened me.

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