Thursday, August 11, 2011

Old Posts: Somewhat of a Reminiscence

Crisp morning sunshine is not what usually wakes Mr. X every day. A mixture of hurried words, which is rather multilingual, uttered by none other than his almighty mother made up for it though. Every chore was meticulously dealt with and an innate tediousness made sure he would be late for departure. Mr. X took great interest in preening himself and made sure he looked his part no matter where. what he was to encounter after he left the safe enclosure he called home made him leave no stone unturned to make sure his persona was at its elegant best. Away he went, to the great land of enlightenment and where he would attain all that is necessary to be known as a sagacious life form. That land was known as college. A land where dictatorship was at its reformative best and where aliens interacted freely and supposedly, more often than not, benevolently. Three and a half long years had passed since Mr. X began his quest for the titanic archetype that all of mankind craved for. In simple words, three and a half years had passed since he had enrolled for college. The enlightenment business, as far as academics is concerned, was not going as intended. The other things that kept him busy were of primordial importance to him.

After Mr. X traversed the distance from his home to college, he dashed towards the hall where he was to attend the first lecture for the day. The professor could not help but ask him the reason for his absence since the beginning of the lecture. Coming up with an excuse for every working day in a week requires a plethora of talent. Our Mr. x was pretty good at creativity and ensured that the whole class had a good laugh with his answer. This, in fact, was the exact reason why every professor that Mr. x studied under, made it sure to ask him every day though they were perfectly sane. For as long as he was inside the lecture hall, time seemed to have come to a crawl. By the time class got over, Mr. X became stoic. As the professor walked out, more of humanity appeared. Mr. X met and shook hands with his classmates. It was all a part of the persona. First signs of a smile since he woke up appeared as a friend of Mr. X walked towards him. As a conversation began, the smile got bigger. Since waking up, Mr. X was now the happiest. The best time he had was when he was with his dear ones. College had given him a lot. He had found a group of people he felt very comfortable with. This was by far the best thing he had obtained from college.

All the time spent in college by Mr. X hade made him learn a lot of things. Everything he could use from that, he took and infused it into his persona. It was a never ending and adaptive process that could be very harsh at times. More often than not, Mr. x found himself hurt to an irreparable extent.
It hade made him thick skinned. It would not matter much now if someone hurt him after all that time in college. When I say hurt, it is pertaining to the mental state of it.
While still conversing with his friend, Mr. X realized it was time for the next lecture. He decided not to attend as it was next to impossible for him to let go of that feeling he got while with his friends. Mr. X and his friend walked off to the nearest concourse where they could find the rest of their friends. They were only a handful but each one special. They formed a coterie that always stayed together and was very hesitant to let anyone in as it had taken painstakingly large amounts of resources to form a circle of trust that had each one of them in it. Everything seemed perfect to Mr. Now. A decision was almost unanimously arrived upon to not attend any more lectures for the day as it had been long since the group had done that. So they moved towards the college canteen to try to find a place where they could decide what they could do and other similar interests.

Now, just a little more than a year later, Mr. X sits in his chair thinking of all that went by and often gets lost in the process. Some of the best things he has are still the ones he took from this short journey he undertook and surprisingly, the last few steps turned out to be better than he would have imagined.
Since then, life had taken its usual course and a few somewhat unpredictable and tortuous routes. Things had been somewhat of an emotional concoction of sorts. The important thing was that life was now better. Still pondering over these thoughts, Mr. X heard a voice from behind, calling for him. It was his dad and he said, "are you going to stop staring blankly into the night and join us for dinner?” Almost instinctively, Mr. x said, "Why yes", and made a beeline towards the dining table.

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